When she was asked by Market Saw about "New Moon", she immediately said that she can't talk about it. Looks like the actors on board have a Non-disclosure agreement.

MarketSaw: I can vouch for the regular readers of MarketSaw and say that they were not the ones doing that. When your photos hit, the boards over at IMDb lit up and we got pounded a bit by any and all sorts of readers. So don't consider those remarks as coming from MarketSaw readers!
I understand that you are now able to discuss two new movies that you are attached to namely NEW MOON and HORRORWEEN. What roles have you signed on for?
BLR: Can't talk about NEW MOON. So sorry! As far as HORRORWEEN goes, I play the lead's daughter (Nancy Spielberg). It looks like a good role, and a great cast! A lot of my friends are on it, so I know we'll have a blast. Click here to read more.
Source: MarketSaw
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